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Well my plan was to sleep in today and relax. Yea I tossed and turned all night and woke up at 7:30. Part of that was due to the ever persistent animal that I own walking all over me and crying and knocking things off the book shelf in the room.

It got me up though and thinking about things. Which I honestly haven’t had much time to do recently. With the transition of jobs and this new mentorship program about to start, I have barely had a chance to sit down and think about anything else.

I haven’t even had much chance to worry about my Grandpa who had two heart attacks a week ago. Praise the Lord he is out of the ICU and has made the necessary improvements that they were hoping to see. However, I haven’t had much time to worry about that or anything else. I guess that’s good because he’s 6 hours away and I can’t do anything but pray which kills me.

However, the power of prayer was extremely evident with him and his situation. It was so awesome to watch the Lord continue to answer prayers with him. It’s been cool to listen to other people say how they were praying so hard for him. Again, I encourage you to not limit the power of prayer. Even when you are tired and feel beat up and like you can’t take anymore. Keep praying, that’s when we need to pray the most I think.

I was burnt out and at my breaking point again because I am feeling so bogged down with everything. With good things for sure but overwhelmed and like I am slacking on the other part of my assignment. Not that I have stopped praying for him. I haven’t. But I know that I am no longer in a quiet season of life. It’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

I had gotten used to functioning in a season of quiet and not having much to do. So in some ways I long for it back as I feel like I don’t even have the chance to breathe sometimes. I knew that January in and of itself was going to be nuts, just not this crazy.

But I don’t want it to be so crazy that I miss out on life and miss out on times with the Lord and miss out on what he is teaching me. I don’t want to miss giving him thanks and praise for getting me here and for the opportunities that he has given me. I don’t want to miss out on the people around me and the needs of those around me. People missing out on simple thank yous or showing appreciation to someone who volunteers to do the things that no one else wants to do. We get so caught up on being busy that we forget to actually live and love people.

I know I missed out on chances with that this week and it breaks my heart. As excited as I am for what’s going on and about to happen, it terrifies the mess out of me. I don’t want to miss out on what the Lord is doing.

We get so caught up in the politics of the country or our frustrations in life and how it’s not going how we want or focus on the craziness of life. Then I think we become overwhelmed by everything that we are unsatisfied with that we don’t know where to start to make a difference or what to do to make a positive change that we just complain and get complacent. I don’t want that.

I don’t want to kill myself working or get so caught up on my to do list that I miss life. There’s so much more to life than just working or keeping up the house, worrying about politics, or taking the kids to all their things. They are things to consider but we need to consider our time we spend with the Lord and our relationship with him. If this relationship is good then we can handle the rest of the things that are thrown at us, all of which have passed by the Lord’s eyes. We then need to be sure that we are sharing his love, grace, mercy, and goodness with those around us.

Hopefully this makes sense. I just have so much on my own heart and mind, I realized that I was getting overwhelmed and feeling like I was about to get complacent and not do what I know that I am to do. I hope that you don’t get to that point either and know that you are not alone if you are feeling that way. We all get to this point. I am here to encourage you that you aren’t alone.

I think we need to be more honest about that and talk to one another and encourage one another. Dialogue and have conversation, not just talk at. But that’s another post for another day.

I’m going to go take on the day now. Have a blessed day everyone!
